
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Growing Need for Noise Cancellation Technology

  The Growing Need for Noise Cancellation Technology Loud noises, be it in open offices or at homes, are unavoidable. However, when the pandemic has rendered hybrid work environments the ‘new normal,’ unwanted background noise is becoming a nuisance. Moreover, it is evident that background noise affects all of us in varying degrees.  Considerably impacting health with increasing stress levels, noise can disturb concentration and dampen productivity by reducing focus. For modern workers, who need to work in open office environments, surrounding noise can be particularly detrimental.  But with superior technological advancements and the evolution of  AI technology ,  this reoccurring issue can be tackled now. It is where the Noise Cancellation Technology or ANC comes in handy. Noise Cancellation Technology – The Basics : In general, noise cancellation technology is a modern method for reducing ambient noise. Among the varying methods in such, Active Noise Cancella...

Ways to Harness Technology in Muting Background Noise

Ways to Harness Technology in Muting Background Noise The pandemic has rendered remote work the ‘new normal.’ But when you are working at home, noisy neighbors can be a real nuisance, disturbing and distracting you from concentrating on important office work. That’s where modern technologies kick in. A year ago, the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent lockdowns turned homes into offices and classrooms. The new hybrid work platform has brought significant benefits but is not exempt from problems, the foremost being noise.  In this context, remote workers or students attending online classes find themselves under attack. At times, the neighbor’s crying baby or construction work at a nearby home is a headache. Moreover, during work from home period, having your family members or pets around can be frustrating. Background noise   can also affect your mood and wellbeing. The research concludes that irritating noises can add significant stress to mental and physical disorders. Fortunat...

Understanding How ANC – Active Noise Cancellation Software Works

Understanding How ANC – Active Noise Cancellation Software Works ANC or Active Noise Cancellation technology has become the staple of the modern headphone industry. Though it is not considered a basic feature, the technology is no longer reserved for expensive headphones. Most recent headphones, earbuds, or wireless products pack  noise cancellation  technology in some form. Technology is increasingly ubiquitous in the audio industry in the modern day. With technological innovation, the integration of ANC into platforms has become nominal, hence the rapid progression. Since its inception,  active noise cancellation  technology has come a long way.  As the name suggests, the technology can cancel out the surrounding noise, leaving the world a bit quieter. In simpler language,  noise cancellation  shuts out ambient noise.  However, noise cancelling headphones cannot remove all background noise, rather reducing the amount significantly, creating t...