
Showing posts from February, 2022


Wave after wave, surge after surge, lockdown on top of lockdowns, vaccines on top of vaccines – this has been the trend in the times we live in. When you look up from your screen & outside the window while working from home, you would be right to consider the weather as gloomy.  As you get up to prepare a cup of coffee to dive back into your work, there’s a pop on the company Slack from your boss asking for your weekly status update ASAP. Now you have to set aside whatever you were doing and take 30 minutes to draft a response. Coffee will have to wait.  In this age of remote working, the boundaries between work & life have faded. This is a silo that should remain intact but due to all the work moving online, your workspace has become your personal space & your me-time has become your work time. Considering many of us have no choice but to optimize this primary part of our lives, we are reaching out to a number of tools to make the distinction between work & li...

4 Ways To Enhance Accuracy & Productivity In Workspace

Remote working can take a toll on work accuracy and overall productivity of employees. Settling down in home environment for doing official work isn’t as simple as we thought it would be. It is harder to stay focused and productive at home than within an office setup. Accuracy in work output also decreases due to multiple reasons- too many distractions at home, not able to connect with peers informally and  absence of real-time supervision as in the office environment.  Merging a workspace for eight hours with your normal living space requires certain boundaries to be imposed. So what can we do to enhance accuracy and productivity in the workspace while working remotely?  Distractions at home are plenty with the children playing around or worse, fighting with each other, speaking loudly, playing loud music or television. A spouse or parents may want to get your attention to critical issues during remotely conducted official meetings or want to speak about things that aren...

What Are The Common Work From Home Challenges & Ways To Manage Them?

Working from home isn’t as easy as it seemed before the pandemic. Ever since remote working entered our lives and homes, we have been trying our best every day to meet the challenges it presents.  Well, yes, there are obvious benefits of working from home as the virtual work environment allows flexible working hours, cancels commuting time, and there is no one looking over our shoulder judging the workflow. We save up on travel expenses, and our company, in turn, doesn’t have to incur as much infrastructure and operating costs as before.  But for many of us, managing work from home (#WFH) presents challenges that are hard to tackle, such as managing the work-life balance, adapting to different time zones and cultures.  However, one of the most common challenges faced by all professionals is that their home does not provide an office-like environment where one could take online meetings without worrying about different types of  background   noises , which unfort...