5 Tools to Simplify and Transform your Team’s Work From Home

Ed Yong truly eulogized the worldwide situation when he remarked, “We long to return to normal, but normal led to this.” There is more than just social, emotional, and humanitarian context to this statement. Adjusting to the “new normal” amidst the outcry of the pandemic, we have somewhere normalized the digitalization of operations at our personal end, even though companies worldwide are still trying to make the most out of it. 
On one side, enterprises have benefitted from the cost-effectiveness of the hybrid working culture- part office and part work from home. But on the other significant end, the online working environment has also opened the doors to numerous challenges caused by miscommunication and resource inaccessibility. According to a study by Microsoft, “1 in 5 global survey respondents say their employer doesn’t care about their work-life balance. 54% feel overworked. 39% feel exhausted.”
Further, the increased screen time on electronic devices has not only heightened the digital strain of the remote workers as well but has consequently contributed to the deterioration of their health as well. Despite the fact that the productivity levels have been observed to be either the same or higher during Work From Home, this circumstance has resulted in a terrifying cost. 

Nevertheless, as we continue on this new reform of “Work from Home”, a gamut of technological solutions has already been helping us to make our work lives easier. Although the common applications that would come to your mind after reading this would be MS Teams, Zoom, Google Drive, etc. here are some of our top recommendations that enjoy a prominent fan following in the market and can simplify and ease your work life:

Selecting a secure virtual business environment that can nurture your information and protect it, is probably one of the most important decisions that an enterprise needs to take before selecting a communication platform. Reliability, credibility, and security of information are not just parameters for the company data but particulars that belong to each and every person associated with the company as well. Therefore, while small businesses have stuck to basic channels like Whatsapp and Telegram, established businesses prefer to maintain their level of conduct and hence, opt for a more professional and less commercial source. 

In spite of the fact that there are plenty of communication channels even for the above-mentioned filters, most organizations prefer the leading enterprise-grade environment, Slack. Streamlining the operational efficiency of businesses by the efficient unification of tasks and systems, Slack allows the integration of other software tools and services like Dropbox, Adobe Creative Cloud and G-suite, etc. to facilitate instant messaging and collaboration. This widely used connecting tool is the modern-day Digital HQ that encourages secure, accessible, and efficient communication solutions. 

Running campaigns and projects have become commonly prominent to all dynamically running businesses. Even though the pre-existing communication channels might offer a great discussion platform for these campaigns and projects, still, project ideation and tracing are something that the channel might not be able to efficiently optimize. Therefore, an integral need for a project management channel arises here. Following the competitive and dynamic market trends, there are several platforms that provide this service. Trello, a web-based, Kanban-style, list-making application has been proven to be the most useful and efficient in this field. 

It allows its users to create their task boards with different columns and move the tasks between them. Offering enterprise customizations and expansion features, the application facilitates project management through its intuitive and user-friendly interface. Catalyzing assignments, timelines, productivity metrics, and calendars, Trello is a holistic tool that can be used for personal purposes as well. 

Primarily targeting real estate management, software project management, school bulletin boards, lesson planning, accounting, web design, gaming, and law office case management, this modern-day application harnesses the power of automation to create, manage and streamline assorted virtual ecosystems. 

The power of managing efficient communication, internally, within the enterprise, lies with the business itself, however, keeping a track of the external communications of the business, right from initiating conversation, taking follow-ups, successfully closing a deal, and analyzing the external communication trends are critical to a business as well. Therefore, many companies recommend the productivity tool, EmailAnalytics that visualizes the team’s email activity. 

This tool not only allows the enterprise to view the team’s average response time but also helps in assessing the email metrics, ranging from the quantum of emails each member sends and receives to their general activity over their address. Providing several business units with growth monitoring and improvement facilities, this tool has been hugely recommended for remote workers all over the world. 

Granted that the Work from Home situation has offered us the blissful gift of flexible working hours, yet innumerable workers have been observed to be working more than their usual working hours when observed at the end of the day. The average meeting time has been observed to have risen as well. This might have not affected their productivity but has definitely influenced employee efficiency.

Therefore, harnessing the power of everyday performance monitoring, several companies have employed Kickidler, an employee monitoring software that allows an enterprise to track the working of an employee as they function on their respective electronic devices. Offering the visibility of countless real-time screens, the software also assists in assessing the efficiency dynamics based on the data it collects every day while also enabling the company to record the history of actions that their employees make. 

Democratizing the software for the amplification of company benefits, the software also allows room for a personal assessment now. Sending notifications about activities that the employees have been excessively doing, the software alerts the employees about their inefficiency. 

One of the most prominent issues that we face as we work from home is the constancy of background noise. Ranging from your sibling’s college meeting, your parent’s call for tea, and the noisy mixer grinder in the kitchen to the construction work in your locality and the never-ending barking of street dogs, the pervasiveness of background noise is unbeatable. Not only is it tiresome but it also has a huge impact on your work and thereby, your productivity. And it doesn’t send a good signal to the person(s) sitting at the other end of your laptop screen. 

Bringing this catastrophe to an end, Aeris Communications launched ClaerityAI, a noise cancellation software. This low maintenance and easy-to-use software not only cancel out the background noise around you but also the background noise coming from other speakers on your call while improving the quality of the call and thereby enhancing your virtual meetings. Since all the personal data remains in your system, this software enhances security while maintaining the privacy of audio communications. 

Organizations can easily benefit from the central user management view which helps in provisioning of licenses within the org and checking the usage from a system administrator’s perspective. ClaerityAI works across all platforms that offer web conferencing – Zoom, MS Teams & Google Meet. Empowered by the spirit of technologically creative solutions, ClaerityAI leverages the power of AI and offers efficient two-way communication without any noise seeping through. 

 All in all, even though it has become tough to certainly assess whether the Covid situation has affected organizations positively or negatively, what we can most definitely infer, is the fact that all organizations have been influenced and impacted by it. Nevertheless, owing to our modern-day capacities to develop, adapt and grow, we have been able to not only normalize this situation irrespective of the barriers it has presented us with but we have been able to evolve alongside as well.  

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